Moral Development
Moral development of pupils is shown by their ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and to readily apply this understanding in their own lives, recognising legal boundaries and in doing so, respect the civil and criminal law of England. Children understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions and show an interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, demonstrating an ability to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.
We support our children in this journey in a variety of different ways:
- Our school rules and behaviour blueprint support our children in making the right choices, recognising boundaries and understanding the consequences for not following them. We use recognition boards and daily, weekly and half-termly rewards to support moral development. For further information around our behaviour policies, please click here.
- We hold weekly assemblies in which we explore the different British Values and how they impact on our lives. To see an example of an assembly, please click here.
- We use Picture News resources to discuss and debate around current issues relating to different British Values. To see an example of Picture News, please click here.
An example Picture News session, discussing the Rule of Law in a real life context.
- We develop children’s understanding of rules outside of school, such as Road Safety, through Road Safety Workshops and Bikeability sessions.
Year 2 accessing a Road Safety Workshop.
- Our comprehensive PSCHE curriculum supports the moral development of our children. For information on our curriculum, click here.
- We have embedded Zones of Regulation throughout the school and children use this to reflect, identifying feelings and enabling them to be in the Green Zone, ready to learn.
The Zones of Regulation
- In addition, our Year 5 and 6 pupils have the opportunity to take part in the Mini Police programme, where they carry out a variety of responsibilities inside and outside of school, upholding the rules. For further information about Mini Police, click here.
- We also take part in the Cell’s Project. Cell’s primary objective is to educate children and young people on the consequences of crime. To find out more about the Cell’s Project, click here.
- As part of our Pupil Leadership Team, we have an Eco-Warriors group. They work hard to develop the school’s offer in looking after our world, demonstrating their moral development and commitment to our Earth.
- Across school, each class has a Charity and Citizenship drive in order to help understand the different situations that others may face and widen our moral development. For further information around our class drives, click here.
Above are some linked examples of this. Please follow our Twitter page for further information about how we support children’s SMSC Development as this is regularly updated – Garston CE Twitter